Australia has been hit with extreme weather conditions; scorching heat, strong cold fronts, dust storms and floods have hit various parts of Australia.
In the last few months:
- Victoria and Tasmania faced damaging icy strong winds sweeping various parts of the State, bringing Winter like conditions in Summer;
- New South Wales declared a total fire ban as hot, dry and windy conditions built due to a surge of cold air in parts of Victoria pushing a mass of warm air into the State;
- In Canberra, people lost power across the Territory and a health warning had been issued because of the dust pollution that had left the city covered;
- Total fire bans were put in place near Perth as fast-moving bushfire threatened lives and homes; hot conditions in the central west and gusty winds left authorities on high alert;
- Severe to extreme heatwave conditions extended from the interior of Western Australia across to South Australia; breaking January heat records, with daytime maximums extending up to the mid-40s; and
- The true scale of the clean-up across north Queensland is becoming apparent as severe weather conditions ease in flood-ravage Townsville; many homes are severely damaged or completely uninhabitable.
As weather conditions ease and the clean up starts, contact Dial Before You Dig before beginning a simple act of:
- Installing temporary fencing to cordon off disaster areas;
- Clearing of debris prior to installation; or
- Rebuilding damaged fencing.
Dial Before You Dig would like to provide a timely reminder to lodge a FREE enquiry online.
Be aware of the surrounds and recognise any digging or penetrating of the ground has the potential to impact underground services like electrical cables and plumbing, regardless of the type or depth of activity.
Now the clean up begins.
It’s not worth the risk.
Know what’s below.
Dial Before You Dig
This article was first published in The Fence magazine.