Rebuilding after a disaster

Rebuilding after a disaster

Australia has encountered numerous natural disasters in recent months, from bush fires, thunderstorms and floods.

Residents in these affected areas are slowly returning and facing the arduous task of rebuilding.

One aspect, particularly in regional Australia, is the rebuilding of fences for properties.

Prior to restoring damaged fence lines, it is important to first locate and protect infrastructure networks to avoid making a bad situation worse.

The following is a checklist of some factors that should be considered when building / rebuilding a fence.

  • Ensure marked fence lines around the perimeter of the property match the property title
  • Share plans with neighbours on all sides of your property to ensure:
    • Fence line perimeters of property are agreed
    • Cost of building / rebuilding agreed – shared or solely by the person building / rebuilding
  • Check for council regulations on design and height restrictions
    • Enquire if a building permit is required
  • Know where all services – gas, water, electrical, etc – on the property are located by lodging a free Dial Before You Dig enquiry
    • Engage a certified DBYD Locator if further assistance is required
  • If rebuilding parts of the fencing, check for wood rot, either from fire or flood damage
  • If required, obtain written warranties from both the fence manufacturer and fencing company that installed the fence.
  • For a more comprehensive understanding, consult a fence building expert.

Dial Before You Dig would like to provide a timely reminder to lodge a FREE enquiry online.

If the damage to the infrastructure asset and/or network is life threatening, contact the Emergency Services on 000.

Be aware of the surrounds and recognise any digging or penetrating of the ground has the potential to impact underground services like electrical cables and plumbing, regardless of the type or depth of activity.

Now the clean-up begins.

It’s not worth the risk.

Know what’s below.

Dial Before You Dig, The Essential First Step.

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This article was first published in The Fence magazine.

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