Producers in this fencing cluster have taken control of grazing pressures and maximised lambing percentages using Waratah exclusion fencing solutions to keep feral pigs and plague proportion kangaroo numbers out.
$1M extra boost for WA wild dog fence project
$1M extra boost for WA wild dog fence project
$1 million Australian Government investment for the construction of wild dog exclusion fencing in Western Australia.
Australia’s sheep flock falls to lowest level since 1905
Australia’s sheep flock falls to lowest level since 1905
Australia’s sheep flock fell to its lowest level in 113 years with a fall of 7 per cent in 2018-19 to 66 million sheep, according to data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Strong domestic cattle market to counter global pandemic
Strong domestic cattle market to counter global pandemic
Extreme opposing forces will dominate the Australian cattle market in 2020, with limited supply and strong local demand driving prices, but tempered by the global COVID-19 disruption, according to Rabobank’s Australian Beef Cattle Seasonal Outlook.
Temporary fencing helps farm hit its peak
Temporary fencing helps farm hit its peak
The mixed cropping and livestock enterprise Wirrinourt at Lake Bolac has been transformed in recent years, and the results are outstanding.
Farming communities hit hard by bushfires
Farming communities hit hard by bushfires
As the bushfire crisis deepens across Australia, Minister for Agriculture Bridget McKenzie urged regional communities to continue to prioritise personal safety as concern for livestock grows.
Secure farm fencing for feral animal protection
Secure farm fencing for feral animal protection
Feral animals pose a risk to your property through direct impact on livestock and production by damaging fences.
Sheep industry goes from death-knell to global star
Sheep industry goes from death-knell to global star
Just 20 years ago the Australian sheep industry was in dire straits – today its worth more than $8.6 billion per year, an increase of almost 50% compared to 2001.
Moree Dorper sheep farmers set to represent NSW on national stage
Moree Dorper sheep farmers set to represent NSW on national stage
A farming family specialising in Dorper sheep who claim the breed’s ‘extreme adaptability’ is inspiring them to prevail during crippling drought conditions, are set to represent NSW at the 2020 National Landcare Awards.
WA’s top beef producers
WA’s top beef producers
Beef producers from throughout Western Australia have taken out the top awards at the 2019 Meat Standards Australia (MSA) Excellence in Eating Quality Awards for the State.